Wednesday, May 13, 2009

White House Czar Declares End to 'War on Drugs'

The Obama administration's new drug czar says he wants to banish the idea that the U.S. is fighting "a war on drugs," a move that would underscore a shift favoring treatment over incarceration. In his first interview since being confirmed to head the White House ONDCP, Gil Kerlikowske said the bellicose analogy was a barrier to dealing with abuse.

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Monday, June 30, 2008

a New Kind of politics

the Art of civil conflict. rhetorical Abuses and flourishes smite thine enemies in bureaucratic battles. victory Is in the policy. legislation Is the arena of legislators. legislators are the board of directors, their constituencies the shareholders. actions Are the agents of change. these Are the politics we understand. These are not the politics we experience. we Elect our presidents as we elect our next American Idol with unqualified judges who manipulate our perspective trying to disguise their vested interests. Politics is now personal. the Next president will hopefully be the man person prepared to accept the mantle of tremendous disappointment and expectation willing to lead with honor and dignity, purpose and resolve, knowing that it is our legacies that will ultimately be judged by history. it Is difficult to appreciate the dynamics of an intricately integrated population of extreme individuals. the Drive to achieve is endemic to the condition of living. we Have sought to control the systems of life and creation. no Longer are we willing to let our survival lay in the hands of mother nature. we Have the knowledge, ingenuity, and willingness to supersede our forebearers. all We need to do is do it.